Friday, March 15, 2013


It is my pleasure to say that we are jumping back on blogging... It's some stuff I want to get off my mind and my heart. This is just the beginning to my journalistic foray. Writer on board. I will do it with eloquence.

Friday, June 11, 2010

We need to get on this!!

Hey everyone, our apologizes for being away so long. We've been working on major projects that have taken us away from this activity. Hopefully we'll be able to write something at least once a month.

Deri, I hope you read this sometimes soon :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

WTF!!!! Who are these people I'm meeting in ATL???!!!!

WTF???!!!! Some people I have met in Atlanta have rub me the wrong way, and I'm sure my abrasive southside ass has rubbed them the wrong way too.

I would vent on the situation, but what good of it will come?


Next Project: Paris and Ms. America: Film P***** Pimps
Synopsis: A story of an girlfriend/actress who "works" to get her man's film done.

Probably gon' shoot this one by February '10.



Congratulations are in order for India and her job interview yesterday. She applied to be a Pyschology professor for Perimeter College. I love her drive.

Her CD is on the way... can't wait!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Finding my way.

We're back on-line!! I'm happy that things are coming together. Well..last week I went to visit my sisters in the Nashville area, at one of my Alma maters...MTSU. Amber had to be rushed to the hospital, so my mom and I went up there for Thursday through Sunday. When we left, Amber was feeling much better, which is a blessing. It was last minute but it was good to have a change of scenery. I missed Deri the whole time I was gone, but it gave me a little space to figure some things out.

The album is almost done and just like Deri mentioned in a recent post, I've been considering dance jobs and also working on promote my album at the same time. As most of you know, both music and dance are very time consuming if you want to be any good. I use to practice for hours a day on dance, but now I feel like I need to put that energy in being the best musician I can be.

The turning point for me was actually a week ago. I was getting ready for my interview at a very popular dance studio and they called me to re-schedule. Man was that a bummer because they had called me on Friday and I had to get a sitter for the babies. It was Deri's first day of work, so he couldn't do it. Our car is in the shop, so he has to leave extra early to get to work on time on the bus and train. I could have re-scheduled and but since I had to go out of town, I haven't done it yet.

I don't even know if I want to. Believe me, I'm a very good dancer but I'm feeling like its not the way I'm suppose to go. Over the past couple of years, I've made attempts to pursue dance in some capacity. The opportunity was there, just something would happen to block the process. On the other hand, pretty much every time I verbalize and pray for something music comes to pass. It started with a music business internship ten years ago and even today...with a 90 percent finished first album.

I want to heal, I know I have the ability. In church yesterday I was in awe because one song that was sung filled the sanctuary with the holy ghost and it was a blessing. I witnessed so many people getting healed. The choir touched me as well. I was in tears like everyone else. It got me thinking...although I always saw myself helping people through dance...I can really see myself being able to touch more people through song.

So...I'm really going to have to get busy. I haven't completely given up on dance...I plan to take a class or two to help me get back in shape...but other than is going to be my focus. I may help choreograph one of my music videos or someone else, but I'm going to be relying on God to show what to do in that realm.

I'm going to have to start my vocal lessons soon and I'm also going to educate myself about the music business. I've read a couple of books, but I know of a couple certificate programs that would be good for me. Networking and an opportunity to really learn the business aspects of my craft. I'm also considering doing what I need to do to become qualified to become a professor in a music/music business department for the times I'm not working on an album.

Success in entertainment requires WAY more than talent, extensive training is required. I plan on really making a business out of this. Not just because I want to but because I really feel like God gave me this talent to be able to sustain myself and my family. Up until now, I've just been getting is my time to "shine" and having a family will motivate me to be the best I can be.

So Deri, I will definitely be in the healing business :) Oh yeah, I'll gladly work with children and young adults doing a dance activity, so let me know your center can use my services...Love you babe :)

Goodnight family!

"For every mountain, you brought me over, for every trial, you've seen me through...halleluah...for this I give you praise!"

Down, But Not Out...

Alright everybody,
Our internet was down, but we were focusing on moving, and me starting my new job, as a program coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club.

The last two weeks in our new home has been a blessing and nothing less. We have officially been reset and refreshed by this beautiful opportunity to get started tension free.

In the meantime, I started a job that will be beneficial to both parties, the children I work for and myself. I know this will work because they are not as mean as some of the children I have worked with in Chicago, in fact, its funny I should speak on this, because they're no such as a bad child, just children that make bad decisions, and the children in Zone 3 are children who are affected by their environment, but that's still no excuse. I love them already for trying to get used to me and my caring, yet stern ways.

Nothing on the home front, except India and I's discussion on me getting a vasectomy. As soon as I get the money, I am getting one, no questions asked, if's, and's, or but's about it.
REASON: I have six children and that is about enough. My mother once said that if I keep having children, I will never have any money for myself, and at first I didn't understand what she meant by that until I noticed that after I paid my child support my children still wanted to go to the movies, buy clothes/shoes, and had other expenses that they wanted me to take care of out of my pocket. Not to mention that I still had to take care of the wife, and myself. So it has been settled, a vasectomy in 2010 is the best present to myself.

Alright, I'm signing off... and Mr. Pee, you will be down, but not out... God knows...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Change is... frustrating!

Today Indi was having a hard time focusing, because she has two babies "needing" her more than anything.
In the process of soul-searching for her "what do I do?" moment, I'm noticing everyday that she is just afraid that she will not have time to do some of the things that she wants to do in life, and she will.

Change is frustrating...
I make a plea to India to just focus on therapuetic dancing as a career, and soul singing as her profession. She loves to do both, and I am the anchor of support for her.

Change is frustrating while she seeks employment, but I would love for her to visualize what she wants and stick to the goal: a successful life lives within a patient and prayerful heart.

Teaching therapuetic dance...
while singing our favorite songs of yours~ IT HEALS!

Indi you are a healer. Unite your theory with both practices...
No more looking for jobs that will not contribute to the development of you being a healer.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Striving to Be FAMOUS on PURPOSE!!!!

This weekend I had the opportunity to volunteer for the Peachtree Village International Film Festival, and I must say that I had a wonderful work experience. I was surrounded by professionals who were never under any pressure to act "hollywood", but to be the consummate showman's.

Working with Len Gibson, Dora Durant, Autumn Bailey, Shetoya McClinton, Tommy Wright, Jerry Tatum, J. 'JB' Brown, and so many countless others... that assisted in a smoothly ran film festival, made my time in Atlanta that much more enjoyable.

I had the opportunity to listen to Tyler Perry's business associate, Roger Bobb discuss his rise to a dream preferred, the mighty golden boy screenwriter, Gregory Anderson (Stomp The Yard), as well as the ever-so humble Rockmond Dunbar and Malcolm Lee, discuss their love for their profession, respectively, acting and directing.

I am so glad I opted to volunteer for the PVIFF, because it inspired me even more to get my work done.

I can't even begin to tell you how exciting this experience was, even though there is that part of me saying I could of been on the panels, but I also feel I have a long way to go, and for that I am grateful, I will just make sure I take advantage of every chance I get to develop as many relationships as I can.

Thanks Vatrice for hooking a brother up.


Now... onto the family thing: India and I, of course you read below... had a falling out...
the only thing I can say is: "I LOVE YOU!"

Thank You God for Family and Purpose...
"To Be Famous on Purpose- is our goal..."